My Great-Grandfather Had Dentures Dating Back to 1970!

My Great-Grandfather Had Dentures Dating Back to 1970!

The last time my great-grandfather was at a dentist John Gorton was Prime Minister of Australia! For you who do not remember, that was 1968-1971. However, just recently I got him to visit a dentist in Wollongong when he finally broke his upper denture that was older than my dad! Grandpa did not want to go, but he had no choice if he wanted to be able to chew his next steak. He told me he had fixed his teeth with glue on his own before. He even bought a kit that let you mix cold pouring acrylic to repair dentures rather than go to the dentist.

I pestered him to listen to what the dentist told him to do. Grandpa had the money. I told him to get the best dentures to be able to enjoy his meals instead of always complaining how his teeth did not fit properly. He used a lot of that denture adhesive. Good thing he did not use the stuff with zinc in it. Otherwise he surely would have reached toxic levels of zinc in his system by now. My grandfather and dad are stubborn too. They are just less stubborn as the generations go on. My mom says I have a hard headed approach to some things, but that I am much more reasonable than the other men in the family.

After my great-grandfather went through the fitting and adjustment period for his new dentures, he said he regretted not going years ago. He said he could chew a steak now like they were his own real teeth. He said that even his belly felt better after a meal. Apparently he was swallowing food that was not chewed well enough for years! Now he has a great smile. He looks young for his age, and his new smile has my great-grandmother smiling too.