Security and intelligence agencies involved in a major fashion fraud

Security and intelligence agencies involved in a major fashion fraud

In India security and intelligence agencies are involved in a major fraud judging the education and wealth of a person based on her appearance, clothes she wears and the fashion style.
While this way of judging women may be applicable to women who are married to wealthy and powerful men, this method of judging women is extremely unfair to educated and financially independent women who may not care or have time for purchasing expensive clothes.
Just because a woman is ugly, not well groomed and not fashionable, indian intelligence and security agencies officials will harass, defame, torture her with microwave weapons, causing great pain, trying to murder her especially if she is a domain investor
The government has promoted the slogal Beti Padao, Beti bachao, however indian intelligence and security agencies in goa are ruthless in stalking and trying to murder educated indian women, particularly women engineers to steal her resume for google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees.